Your FREE Health Discovery Session!

During this FREE 30-minute session (via Zoom), I will devote my time to exploring your health concerns and health goals, where your biggest healing opportunities are, and how I can support you in taking charge of your health and embarking on a natural healing journey!

Each person is unique. I don’t diagnose or treat any specific conditions or focus on symptoms. Symptoms are not the roots of the problems but rather are manifestations of some deeply rooted, hidden stressors and dysfunction in your body. These are the real underlying ROOT CAUSES of your health challenges.

As a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P), I am your health detective, working with you to uncover the ROOT CAUSES of your health issues, and come up with a sustainable self-care model that encompasses holistic diet, nutrition/natural supplements and lifestyle protocols to restore balance in your body.

Find out more about my Functional Health Coaching approach here.



Take Charge of Your Health!

One Conversation can Change Your Life!

Disclaimer: The Discovery Session and related communication are for educational and informational purposes only and is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your personal physician or other healthcare professional. Information and statements made during the Discovery Session and other related communication are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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