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Week #12 Healthy Habits Challenge – Be Thankful

by | Mar 25, 2022

Welcome to Week #12 of the 12-Week Healthy Habits Challenge!

We have arrived at the final week of the 12-week Healthy Habits Challenge.

There is one important aspect of healthy living that can help to reduce stress and improve our well-being, but it is often overlooked. It is a relatively simple practice and yet many of us may not do it sufficiently.

This healthy habit is the practice of gratitude – acknowledging and appreciating what we already have, what we have been given, the goods that happen to and around us, which are often forgotten amidst our busy and stressful life.

The practice of gratitude goes beyond appreciating just the positive things in our life. It involves appreciating everything in our life, including reflecting on what we can learn and grow from a difficult and challenging situation.

The practice of gratitude not only is beneficial for our mental health by reducing stress and increasing the sense of well-being, but it is also beneficial to our physical health including reducing inflammation in the body, improving sleep, etc.

For more details on what scientific research has shown, please check out my previous article: Why You Should Embrace Gratitude Practice.

Please continue reading the next section for some tips to incorporate gratitude practice in your daily life.

Tips to Incorporate Gratitude Practice in Your Daily Life

Here are some simple tips to incorporate gratitude practice in your daily life:

  1. Keep a gratitude journal to record things/events/persons that you are grateful for. Daily journaling is preferred in order to cultivate a grateful mindset. Keep a notebook with you or download a gratitude journal App to your device, so that you can spontaneously jot down things that you feel thankful for soon after it happens. You can also do this at the end of each day, as part of your unwinding time before going to bed. Try to write down at least 5 things you are grateful for each day. There is no need to write elaborated paragraphs. Short sentences or bullet points would suffice. Once gratitude journaling becomes a habit, you can elaborate more details and go for more depth in your description. Remember that there is nothing too small or mundane for you to be thankful for (e.g., it could be as simple as appreciating the sunny day or perhaps rainy day).
  2. As part of tip #1 above, consider including not just positive things but also difficult or challenging things that have helped you grow and learn from the experience.
  3. Write a gratitude letter to someone whom you are grateful for but have never properly thanked. You could also choose to read the content of the letter out loud to the intended recipient.
  4. Explicitly express gratitude to the person you are grateful for right at the moment or soon after you receive benefits from the person.
  5. Develop a habit of saying ‘thank you’ to others, even on very little things.
  6. Practice giving. Gratitude and generosity often go hand in hand. Scientific studies have shown that the feeling of gratitude can promote the act of generosity, and both gratitude and generosity lead to increased level of happiness, improved mental health and well-being. (See more details in my previous article: Let’s Practice the ‘Giving’ of Thanksgiving.)
  7. Practice gratitude meditation. Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on reflecting on and expressing gratitude for the people and things in your life. It is an effective way to cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment. Please check out my YouTube video below for a short guided gratitude meditation. Note that you can do as brief or as long a meditation session as you like.


Join me for this week’s challenge and cultivate gratitude for your happiness!

Related Articles

Why You Should Embrace Gratitude Practice

Let’s Practice the ‘Giving’ of Thanksgiving

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