Take charge of your health, invoke your innate healing ability

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My Approach

Each person is unique.

I don’t diagnose or treat any specific conditions or chase after specific symptoms.

Symptoms are usually not the root of the problem. Symptoms are like the tip of an iceberg, the results of some underlying and deeply rooted issues, i.e. ROOT CAUSES, that have been going on for a while, contributing to dysfunctions in the body.

The goal should be to uncover and address those deeply rooted issues, rather than using band-aid approaches that merely chase after and suppress symptoms.

The details of my approach are described below. You can also check out my corresponding YouTube video here:


Let Me Explain Functional Health Coaching

Functional health practice goes after the underlying root causes of health conditions.

As a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P), a Certified Gut Thrive Practitioner (GT5P), and a Certified Gluten Practitioner (CGP), I work with you to uncover the hidden and deeply rooted stressors and dysfunction in your body, and come up with an individualized and sustainable self-care model that encompasses holistic diet, nutrition/natural supplements and lifestyle protocols to restore balance in your body.

Restore Balance to Foundational Body Systems

Here is some highlight of my 3-prong functional health coaching approach.

1. Functional Assessment Tools

I use functional assessment tools including functional lab testing and health questionnaires to identify hidden stressors and healing opportunities within the body (including immune, digestive/gut, hormone, detoxification systems, etc.).

Most lab tests are self-administered at the comfort of your own home including saliva, urine or stool collection. Some lab tests require blood sample which may involve a trip to a lab for the blood draw.

Some of the basic/foundational lab tests include:

  • Hormone panel: check for hormonal balance. Includes sex hormones, cortisol, DHEA, melatonin.
  • Food sensitivity test: test for immune reactivity and inflammatory response to a wide variety of foods and food groups (e.g. wheat/gluten, dairy, lectins, nuts, soy, grains, nightshades, etc.).
  • Gut pathogens and function test: includes gut pathogens (H. pylori, bacteria, viruses, paraistes, worms), gluten sensitivity, gut inflammation, gut immunity, pancreatic enzyme sufficiency, occult blood.
  • Comprehensive toxin panel: Test for toxin load in the body, including heavy metals, environmental pollutants, industrial chemicals, and mold toxins. 
  • Organic Acids Test (OAT): provide insight into the body’s cellular metabolic processes. Check for possible mold toxicity, intestinal bacterial overgrowth, yeast/fungi overgrowth, nutrient deficiency and impairment in metabolic pathways (e.g. detoxification, energy production, neurotransmitter breakdown).
  • Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA): provides insight on mineral and toxic metal levels and how well the body is currently able to excrete toxic metals. Check for heavy metal toxicity (e.g. mercury, lead, arsenic, etc.) and mineral balance (e.g. calcium, magnesium, sodium potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, etc.).

2. How I Uncover the Hidden Stressors and Underlying Dysfunctions

The results from lab tests and health questionnaires are used to identify:

  • The stress load the body is experiencing and how the body is responding (or NOT adequately responding) to stress. (See more details in Why Stress is the Culprit)
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body and what may be the contributing factors. (See more details in Female Hormonal Health: The Fine Balance)
  • The health condition of the digestive system or the gut (e.g. infections, inflammation, leaky gut) which may contribute to toxic load and inflammation in the body. (See more details in Why Your Gut Feeling Matters)
  • Food sensitivities, i.e. foods that may be triggering immune reactivity and inflammatory response in the body.
  • Toxic load and condition of detoxification pathway in the body.
  • Mineral imbalance and nutrient deficiency.

3. My Holistic Health Rebuilding Protocol

Based on the hidden stressors and underlying dysfunctions identified, an individualized holistic health rebuilding protocol encompassing diet, nutrition/natural supplementation, and lifestyle is recommended to invoke the body’s innate healing ability.

Find out more about my coaching program here.

Take Charge of Your Health,
Embark on Your Natural Healing Journey!

Many health challenges and symptoms are ‘common’, but they are certainly not normal or destined to be part of aging. You can provide your body with what it needs to restore its balance and feel your best self again!

If you are ready to take charge of your health, schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call with me.

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