How I discovered missing pieces to my health puzzle

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My Story

Hello, I’m Mo Han Fong.

I am a Functional Health & Nutrition Practitioner, specialize in Women’s & Hormonal Health, and Gut Health.

I have a Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition, and certifications as Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P), Certified Gut Thrive Practitioner (GT5P), Certified Gluten Practitioner (CGP) and Integrated Nutrition Health Coach (INHC). I am also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).

Holistic health and nutrition are my passion.

I truly believe that our body has the innate ability to heal itself when given the right conditions. There have been ups and downs and frustration in my own healing journey, yet very educational, rewarding and empowering. I would like to share a bit of my story and journey here with you.

My original professional background was not in holistic health.

I have a doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering and have previously worked for many years in the high-tech field .

But for a long time, I have been suffering from some subtle and not-so-subtle health issues including digestion problems (bloating, indigestion, constipation, acid reflux, etc.), skin issues (acne, oiliness, redness and sensitivity, etc.), respiratory issues (asthma and sensitivity), lingering joint and muscle pains that would come and go, and hormonal issues. This is despite the green lights I had been getting from my regular medical exams and blood tests.

Even with these lingering symptoms, I still led a rather active lifestyle with a demanding job that involved frequent travels and long work hours, and engaged in moderate and sometime high intensity physical exercise.

I thought these symptoms were simply a common and normal way of living a modern life and I just had to deal with them and pushed through them. I later came to realization that symptoms are perhaps common but certainly NOT normal, and there is no reason to surrender to less-than-optimum health.

Since more than 14 years ago, I started to embark on a journey of searching for solutions for my health issues. I have since tried many holistic health modalities including adopting a clean whole food, nutrient dense diet; avoiding sensitive foods such as gluten, nightshades, etc.; minimizing toxins in my living environments; fasting/detox/cleansing protocols; and mind-body practice including yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, to name a few.

Through time, and with some ups and downs, many of my symptoms have noticeably improved, but there are still lingering issues despite many attempts of different holistic healing modalities.

I was frustrated, often time discouraged, but I knew I had to dig deeper to get to the bottom of my health issues.  I wanted to understand the science of how our human body interacts with foods and environment and do my own research on what the latest clinical research and studies show.

I decided to go back to school and pursued a Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition. I also obtained my certifications in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) and in Institute of Integrated Nutrition (IIN) Health Coaching.

It is only when I started to employ Functional Diagnostic approach that I uncovered the hidden cellular damage, gut and liver dysfunction, hormonal imbalances and adrenal fatigue that I have been suffering from … despite ‘normal’ physical exams and blood test results!

It all makes sense now that the holistic healing protocols that I have previously tried did help to alleviate some of the underlying dysfunction, but they did not fully correct the gut and liver dysfunction, one of the biggest hidden stressors that has cascading effects onto many body systems and functions including hormonal balance and immune reactivity to the environment.

Now, here I am, embarking on a new healing journey, supporting my body with what it needs to heal and thrive!

I systematically addressed my leaky gut issue and gut infections, supported my liver with appropriate nutrients and detoxification, calmed my inflammation by avoiding reactive foods, and adjusted my workout and lifestyle to best support my hormonal balance.

You too can take charge of your health and embark on a natural healing journey!

If you have been suffering with unresolved health challenges and are frustrated with circles of trial and unsatisfactory outcome on various health approaches, it may be time to take the guess work out. I am here to help you empower yourself and support your body with what it needs to heal and thrive.

We all deserve to live our life filled with vitality, joy and to be our best self. I will be honored to be your health advocate and guide on your health journey. 

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